Sunday 18 March 2012

Contents pages analysis.

Q magazine contents page.
The main picture on this contents page is one of The Courteeners. It looks as if the image has been taken in a specific place,  on a hill top with a vert distant back ground, which could be real, or could have been edited in, however either way it still looks real.
The Courteeners style of music is quite 'indie', which shows that the genre of music in this magazine is varied a lot. This also means that the magazine has a very large target audience as it doesn't just specify on one type of music throughout the magazine.
The style of font is simple and varies very little. The colour scheme is black/white/red, which supports the same style as the cover of the magazine.
The information is neatly organised in to different sections on the page, including; 'features', a review section, and also an 'every month' section - this is to keep readers interested in the magazine, giving them reasons to carry on buying it and also so that they know what to expect in the next issue.
The page is very easy to understand and is not all 'jumbled up' or hard to work out, the page numbers next to each part inside the magazine are clear. The sections are clear to see, this shows that the magazine is quite organised and you can see that the layout has been thought about properly before-hand.
There are some promotional feautures on the contents page such as promoting the names of artists telling the readers about new songs and albums to be released.
The logo of the magazine 'Q' is placed at the top of the page next to were it says 'contents', it isn't too dominant, however it is noticable. There is also a smaller one next to the subheading; 'review' which is also still noticable because of the bright red background.

The main picture on this contents page is a close up of Adele. It is quite a simple picture with a plain grey background.
By using a picture of Adele the makers of the magazine clearly know that this wil attract a lot of people as Adele is such a big artist in the music industry. The caption underneath the picture says 'Two months in the life of Britain's brightest new talent', as this magazine was published in 2008, this was near that begining of Adele's musical career, however now we know that the has grown in to one of the biggest music artists in the world.
Again the same colour theme is used - black, white, red, grey. Adele herself also fits in with this colour scheme, wearing a black top and red/pink lipstick.
The layout is the same as the contents page above, set out in different sections with small sub-headings to go with each section. It's very easy to read and understand and it is clear to see were each section starts and finished. As above, next to heading and subheading is the logo 'Q', which is easy to point out on the page.

This contents page is from the NME music magazine. 
This one is quite different in comparison to the Q magazine contents pages, in my opinion I like this one better, just because it looks much more interesting and it isn't as plain. 
The main image/images are set in the middle of the page, (slightly to the left), they are action shots of bands playing instruments.
Along the left hand side of the page, there is a long list of band names with the title 'BAND INDEX', this tells the reader that the magazine is not just based on one genre of music and there are many bands which will fit in to many different audience types.
On the right hand side is the contents of the magazine, there are 5 different sub-headings which all represent different areas of the magazine contents, as well as an extra 'PLUS' sub-heading at the bottom of the page. There are also little arrows which indicate the stories which were shown on the cover, this makes it easier for people to read the magazine if they want to find a certain page quickly.
There is also a small story on the contents page with the heading 'Everyone got on board Africa Exprez', an exclusice about the band Oasis, featuring other bands such as the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
The font used on the page appears to be the same font, apart from maybe the sub-headings the font looks as if it remains the same throughout all of the text on the page. The main colour theme is red and black, (with a white background). 
Although there is also some yellow text at the bottom of the page, this is the promotional feature of the contents page. Giving information on how much it is to subscribe to the magazine, the writers are obviously trying to encourage more people to subscribe with a special offer to tempt them. 

Here is an example of a Billboard magazine contents page.
The layout of this contents page is cutout in to separate blocks. Again the title is quite simple, but bold at the same time so it still stands out on the page. On the left hand side of the page is the list of songs in the charts. There's a list for 'Albums', 'Singles' and also 'This week on sale'.
There are also different content titles; 'UPFRONT' - which will be the headlines on the cover of the magazine, 'FEATURES' - other main stories within the magazine, and 'MUSIC' - all the main music headlines. There is also information at the bottom of the page with the headline 'HOME FRONT', and then also subheadings uncluding; 'events' and 'online', so this shows that the magazine is promoting upcoming events within the music industry and allowing online asccess to promote more information to the readers of the magazine.
The photographs on the contents page are of multiple artists, which are mainly medium shots with just the head and shoulders, the majority appear to be action shots of the singers performing with microphones in their hands etc.
They are all artists of different genre's, which shows that the magazine offers a wide range of music types, and this will also attract lots of different types of people with different music tastes to the magazine.
This page is also consistent in using the same font throughout the whole page within the main text, but some of the headings/sub-headings look like they might be a slightly different font to the rest.

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