Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Initital magazine ideas.

I would like my magazine to look like a hip hop/pop magazine, which shares information about the music and artist which are topping the current charts. 
The subject for my magazine is about a brand new artist who has released a single which went straight to number one within a matter of days. She will be on the cover of my magazine, in the contents, and also my double page spread will be focused on her.
I have done two photoshoots of my model, one for the front cover and one for the use of the double page spread and maybe also for the contents page for a small boxed off picture.
I have also photographed a male model, so that my magazine is not just based on one person, the pictures of the male model will either be put on the front cover or the contents page, but will be boxed off so that it does not stand out more than the main subject.
My colour scheme will be quite calm colours, such as grey, with a few bright, outstanding colours to highlight some of the main features of the magazine. I have chosen this colour scheme so that the pieces of information I would like to stand out more are obvious to the readers and will attract more attention.

I looked at lots of different music magazine covers on the internet, and decided that I wanted my cover photograph to be a medium close up/close up of my model. I also decided that I was going to edit the contrast and brightness on my photos so that my models hair colour would go even brighter to make it stand out on the cover.
 This Billboard cover with Taylor Swift is quite similar to how I would like my magazine cover to look. The photo is a medium close up of the head and shoulders and she is side-on but facing forwards.
There is text on the left hand side, similarly with my magazine I am going to have the main headlines down the left hand side but I am also going to leave a bit of room on the right hand side just for a little bit of text.
One difference is that my background is going to be white, the background of this image is hard to work out because it has been purposely blurred out, but it still looks good and effective.
The cover on the left is an Extreme Close Up, and the cover on the right is a long shot. 
I think that the left one looks really good because her face is in the centre and her hair is now the background of the cover.
The cover on the right is a good photograph but I think it is too far away, I think it leaves too much room to fill with text, although this is not the case on this cover as there is a background of buildings at the bottom, so it looks good when used in this way.  

This is the cover that gave me the most inspiration for my cover photograph, I think that my model and Kelly Clarkson's body language do look quite similar, the shots are the same, and although not intended; the hairstyles are also very similar. 
I like this cover because its quite simple but effective at the same time which is how I would like my magazine too look when its finished.

Contents page.

After researching on the internet I found that most contents page layouts are set out in to separate columns. Also the layouts are almost the same in each magazine in every issue.
In Q magazine, their contents page consists of a large column down the left hand side and multiple columns at the bottom of the page with images in the middle of the page. And in Billboard magazine, they always have the No.1 music chart down the left hand side of the page, with various columns and images set out differently in the middle of the page, then a separated column at the bottom of the page. These two magazines actually have quite similar contents pages. 
For my contents page I am going to have the title space at the top with the rest of the page split in to three separate columns were I will put information and page numbers including various images. The column on the right hand side will be used to write about the cover story with another picture of my cover model.

Double page spread.

This is the image that I got my design/layout idea from for my double page spread, from the beginning I decided that I was going to have my double page spread layout as a picture on one side of the page and text on the other. Then I found this image which is similar to how I would like mine to look.
I would also like my double page spread to include some more smaller photos as well as the large photo on the left hand side so it won't be that similar to this one.

I also like the layout of this double page spread from NME magazine, I am going to have my writing in columns like this but I don't plan on having a title as big as on this one. Although it is quite faded out and in the background, it does look really effective but I would like my title to be a big smaller with a large full page image underneath it. 

As I said above, for my double page spread I am going to have an image of my model on the left hand side of the page, with the title (possible going across both pages), and then the text/interview on the right hand side. As well as having the large image on the left hand side page I am going to include some more smaller images of my model from the second photoshoot to show the variety of different images I have taken etc. 
In the text I am going to write a little bit about Scarlett and then write out a quick interview asking questions such as; 'When did you first start singing?', 'Where do you see yourself in a few years time?' and 'Who would you like to be as famous as?' etc. 
I am also going to include an enlarged quote from the interview somewhere on the double page spread to make it look more like a real magazine. 

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